Open hours: 8.00-3.00 Mon-Sat

Aims and Values

BM Global Academy aims to impart students with knowledge, discipline, confidence, excellence and a sense of responsibility. We will groom its students to be and confident individuals, empowered with knowledge, creativity and ability to innovate, BM Global Academy students will cherish their rools in the Indian value syslem and be global in their outlook and achievements.


A high standard of personal integrity is expected of all students. Families are asked for their support in encouraging their children to arrive at the school in full school uniform. All uniform and personal possessions brought into school should be clearly labelled. Students are prohibited to bring valuable items into the school.


1. The students are always expected to set standards of good conduct and politeness in the school buses and at public places.

2. The students are expected to maintain discipline in the school premises. However if they defy the rules, necessary action would be taken against them.

3. Students shall attend the school in time and also responsible for maintaining cleanliness within the school premises and its surroundings.

4. No student shall remain in the class room during the morning assembly, library period, PT period etc. without permission of the teacher concerned.

5. Irregularity in attendance, continuous unsatisfactory academic progress, irregularity in assignment submission, indiscipline, disrespectful behaviour towards teachers, willful damage to the school property, lack of attendance, absence from class without proper application from the parent, truancy, delay in payment of the school fees and dues will be sufficient reasons for removal of student's name from the school rolls.

6. Parents and guardians should not visit the teachers in the classrooms (except during parent-teachers meeting).

7. Students are advised not to bring costly articles, like/watches, calculators, jewellery, etc to the school. Any loss of articles or money should be reported to the class teacher or subject teacher immediately.

8. Guardians are requested not to send their wards to school if he/she suffering from any contagious diseases.

9. All personal details of the student must be entered in the Student's Record Book.They must carry this to school daily.